東昇致力支持環保,採用Eastop ERP系統,實行無紙工作間,並不遺餘力向社會各界推廣Eastop ERP無紙化辦公系統,令廣大客戶受惠。今年4月獲得由環境運動委員會頒發的「2019香港環境卓越大獎 HKAEE」感謝狀,希望大家為未來環境和下一代,出一分力!Eastop commits to Paperless Office by adopting the Eastop ERP system, a digital platform to manage all documents and business procedures. We aim to encourage the use of technological solutions to do business in a green way. Eastop is recognized by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) for its continued support in environment protection and active participation in 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE). We hope to build a green future for our new generation together with our customers and Hong Kong community! #ERP #POS #MRP #WEBERP #MOBILEERP #WMS #科技券 #TVP #Dbiz #遙距營商計劃 #政府資助